Amazon's "Top Reviewer" Lives in North Dakota


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
Well, and so he or she should. Because one thing we have plenty of here is good reading weather.

I used to live in southern Oregon. If I may be a bit facetious, I would say that it hardly made sense to me that people there, where there is fantastic hiking available and a walking-friendly climate (except for some hot or wet days*), there were so many bookstores... whereas here in Vanishing Rural America, there are few bookstores indeed -- hence outfits like Amazon are a lifeline.

*And lately, there are many smoky days there. "Oregon's Rogue Valley experienced about four solid weeks of unhealthy air quality. The streets were often empty, except for ash-dusted cars and the thick beige fog that smelled like campfires."

Good reading weather is also good writing weather. Just sayin'... :)
If you're stretching so far as to blame the ND weather, I'd say you're just looking for excuses to stay in and read. Are you really going to let a measly -27 F stop you from having a great day out tromping through snow-covered fields in search of pheasant? Heck, you'll never see the ring around the sun that forms when light refracts through ice crystals in the air. And would you let 3 inches of snow on an April morning that turns into shorts, shirt-sleeves and sunburn by noon keep you from hiking in the badlands (not to mention the buffalo ten feet away from your tent zip--why don't they put back doors on those things)?

What kind of North Dakotan would stay indoors on days like those?

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