(Found) Alien ancestors unknown book title/author


Jul 5, 2019
Hiya. I'm helping my friend look for a book. Here's the plot info he's given me. TIA!

"All I remember was it was a sci-fi book and humans had just started exploring the solar system, we were using lasers to communicate and we encountered a race of aliens that were going to trap us in our own solar system as originally they were scared of us. There was another race that worked with them that looked like us but they didn't know their origins. In the end it turned this other race actually we're our ancestors.

I read the book late 80s or early 90s, I don't know how new it was at that point. The book was a largish paperback. I live in London. "
I'm sure that same book is asked about, and answered, somewhere in this Book Search forum.

TBH I really can't be bothered looking today, up all night with a teething toddler!
My search-fu must not be strong. I've tried a plethora of search words to no avail. When you are rested and can think of possible search topics I could use or anything else please let me know. Take your time. He's been looking for over a year, I'm sure he can wait some more. :D
hmmmm, the trouble is I get involved in Book Search on four different SF forums, I'll have a scout around in case I'm remembering from elsewhere!
It sound a little like the third book in the Giants series, by James P. Hogan. The books were "Inherit the Stars", "The gentile Giants of Ganymede", "Giant Star", "Entoverse", and "Mission to Minerva"

Book two introduced the giants, and a friendship between our species begins. But in book three, it is revealed that the human who were allied with the giants relate that we are a threat to the giants, try to break the budding friendship, and doom humanity to quarantine in our solar system.
I don't think I ever read that one.
I only ever read AFAIK, books 1 and 2.

I'm gonna have to get the whole series now!
Thanks, I'll ask him if these were the books, maybe it was a collection of all the stories in one or somesuch, he said it was pretty thick.
He said that was it! Thank you so much! It's been over a year since he first started his search! You're amazing!
Hiya. I'm helping my friend look for a book. Here's the plot info he's given me. TIA!

"All I remember was it was a sci-fi book and humans had just started exploring the solar system, we were using lasers to communicate and we encountered a race of aliens that were going to trap us in our own solar system as originally they were scared of us. There was another race that worked with them that looked like us but they didn't know their origins. In the end it turned this other race actually we're our ancestors.

I read the book late 80s or early 90s, I don't know how new it was at that point. The book was a largish paperback. I live in London. "

Do you remember what the cover looked like?

This perhaps.
He said that was it! Thank you so much! It's been over a year since he first started his search! You're amazing!

Its not what you looking for but one book I would check out is The Killing Star by Charles Pelligrino and George Zebroski Its a terrific read. :cool:
I'll definitely recommend it :) I'm a librarian by trade so not being able to find this book was just so irksome! I'm glad you guys could help me sort it out. I'll have to see if we have this particular book at the library and put it on the staff picks shelf. :)
