The Expanse: Why were the Canterbury and Donnager attacked?

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
WARNING: Possible spoilers for season 1!

Just looking back at the Expanse, and I'm left somewhat uncertain why the Cant and Donnager were attacked.

The Cant I can understand if the purpose was to manufacture a war by making Mars take the blame for it. However, I struggle to understand why the Donnager was attacked as well unless that was to be blamed on Earth? It just that if the latter was the case, I didn't get a sense of that being made clear - though the release of the data core to the UN might have undermined that pretty quickly, I guess. :)
However, I struggle to understand why the Donnager was attacked as well unless that was to be blamed on Earth?

It was typical reaction to the situation. You saw it happening again at Ganymede. The Expanse Terra space is full of tretchery, and out there, far way from Earth or Mars, the captains of the ship and admirals holds a great responsibility. In the Donnager case, there was a need to rouse the flames of the war, as the adversaries used stealth ships take it out. The general population thought only Mars is capable of producing such technology, forgetting the past and everything else.

Does that help?
The Cant had answered the distress call, and as was shown the ship they found had a Mars distress/signal device on, so the UN stealth ships most like had either planted it on there, Or even Mars had, or were looking for the ship. Ditto for Donnager, I suspect they were hunting the OPA Belter ship as well. It was obvious when they took on Holden etc, it was obvious information of what was on the OPA ship could be now in the hands of Mars, so destroying the Donnager was an option. It could be blamed on the OPA or outlaws. Also put Holden in the frame for the destruction of both ships, a good scape goat for both sides.

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