"The Atom car..." set on Mars, hero fights monster guarding princess


New Member
Sep 2, 2019
A really old book. But the story was on Mars. ‘The Atom car…’ An antient Martian city was found underground and the hero had to fight a monster guarding a Martian princess.

Couldn't be part of the Martian Chronicles could it? Or else Barsoom - John Carter of Mars. There were martian princesses in that.

Really don't think it's ERB. I've read all of the John Carter books, several times each, and I do not recall anything like that.
Now, that might be one of Leigh Brackett's books with Erik John Stark as the hero.
Didn't Moorcock do some ERB pastiche? Masters of the Pit and a few others. I cannot remember if they were set on Mars or anything about the plot.
How about ERB "Warlord of Mars."

Theres a long running battle through underground ruins with the goal being a heroine trapped in a rotating underground prison. Each cell is utterly inaccessible except for one day a year.

I don't recall any atomic "car"; but there are dirigibles and IIRC some sort of moving land-based fortress which are powered by vaguely mysterious forces.

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