First All Female Spacewalk about to Begin...


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2018
Live: Pluto TV


As a personal aside, though I get and appreciate 'firsts,' it does bother me how such accomplishments are often looked at as a cute stunt, by 'above average' (untypical... unnatural) women... Knowing, how it's really just the first time women were given the chance. :censored: And as I type that 4-minutes ago, one of the people reporting notes that the milestone to folks hopefully will be that this will now be considered 'normal' (women have been walking for 35-years by her account). :giggle:
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I was amazed to learn this was the first all-female spacewalk. If this is big news, it should be for the late hour NASA is facilitating this.
For an organization that's supposed to lead us into the future space-wise, they are lagging behind considerately on certain other areas.
NASA has taken a lot of heat in recent months for this walk and for the dearth of female astronauts in general. IIRC this all female space walk was scheduled for months ago, ---- But there were not two space suits small enough for both women to be out at the same time. On the plus side, tt was also noted that while astronauts are overwhelmingly male at present. In the next class training to be astronauts the racial of male to female is 50%.
I've seen it all before...

