But Sirius-ly, that ain't much to go on.
Which means that answers could be of any kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus or species, be scattershot, and come from any quarter.
"The Gold At the Starbow's End" by Frederik Pohl.
It doesn't have three-way marriages, specifically, but it does have the couples mixing and matching, even after one of them dies.
They were sent on the
Constitution to a nonexistent planet. The premise for the hoax was quoted experiments in which children given two pieces of plywood all performed the same predictable task, but given only one, they were more creative. So, give these people
nothing, and what might they invent?
I can remember a short story and an off-color limerick referring to three nonhuman genders, but again, that isn't the same as an Earth human three-way marriage, and again, the question ain't much to go on, so what the hey.