Post your Bortle Scale evaluation of your night sky!


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
Use the Bortle Scale to evaluate your own night sky:


M31 is the Andromeda Galaxy -- as many Chronsters will not need to be told.

On a clear night, I can see it from near my home (i.e. less than 5 minutes' walk) in a rural North Dakota town. In fact, I'm pretty sure I can see it from my yard. Offhand I'd say my immediate night-sky environment may be placed as Bortle Scale Class 4. I'm not savvy enough to spot M33 at the moment.

I'd be interested in hearing from others about their night skies.
Too much light-pollution in most parts of my country, I'm afraid. I thought I knew a spot, about 25 mins drive from my home. But the last time I did just that there was apparently a party going on in a city about 25 km away, as the bird flies. They were assaulting the sky with laser-lights.
The only time I actually saw the Milky-way was on a holiday in a far away country. And yes, that was awesome.
Reasonable dark sky here in Shropshire. Could be better but could be much, much worse.

My problem is that I live on the side of a hill, facing west. So the eastern sky is lost to me.

I have a telescope but the mount is very heavy but necessary for stability. Consequently it hardly ever sees the light of day - or night.

One of my project for next year or the year after is to build an observatory for it.
I don't know that I've ever seen the Milky Way. I find this very depressing.
I do have a telescope but I've no idea how to align it properly so all I've really looked at with it is the moon. Have seen the milky way with just my eyeballs though. My partner @Lobster took a pretty good photo of it:

I'm an 8 - 9 zone. Urban, but backing onto a busy (and noisy) motorway, which is in constant use.

It frustrates me, because I spent much of my earlier life in areas which would be classed as a 2, or at worst, a 3.
I do have a telescope but I've no idea how to align it properly so all I've really looked at with it is the moon.

Me too!

And I've found that I'm at Bortle class 3.
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I live in a class 5 area for 8 months and then a rural one in class 2-3 for 4 months in a year. The good part is the rural region gets frequent blackouts at night, esp. in Spring. Hehe. And Oh that is something. But I had a chance to obeserve the sky from a class 1 area -official observation point 2500 m high- yeah that's... now words. It feels like you can jump a little high, bump your head to the arm and make circles like in water.

Also I think humidity is bad for the observation too. Because it blurs the sky view in general.
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