Sci-Fi Book, Protagonist is Blue-Eyed Psychic referred to as a "Swipe"


New Member
Jan 10, 2020
Looking for a sci-fi novel/collection of short stories. The protagonist starts out on a space station years after a war between normal humans and psychic humans referred to as "swipes" (because of their ability to swipe information from the minds of others). It is discovered that the protagonist is a swipe, and he is forced to flee. He ends up on an isolated world where he seeds an entire race of blue eyed psychics whose power intensifies over time and genetic evolution. He somehow enters a deep hibernation/stasis and is revived millennia later by his descendents who are amazed that he is their progenitor (there is more to it but I don't remember the details). I read this book in the mid-2000s in high school, but I cant remember the title for the life of me.
