The New York Public Library most checked-out books of all time --- note 2 adult SF in the top ten


Back of the bar, in a solo game
Sep 6, 2019
Did you notice how that list skews toward children's literature. If you pull speculative fiction out you have perhaps 2 adult novels. (adult, not in the implied sexual sense.)
Did you notice how that list skews toward children's literature. If you pull speculative fiction out you have perhaps 2 adult novels. (adult, not in the implied sexual sense.)
The article addresses this to some extent.
Children's books make up a large part of the list. That's not too surprising — short books can be read faster and are returned more quickly. Even the more adult books on the list, such 1984 and To Kill A Mockingbird, are rather slim.
I'm curious whether any of those books were ordered to help fulfill class reading lists at public schools. Big cities sometimes have surprising interconnections between public institutions - like having children take mass transit rather than providing school busses. 1984 and 451 might have been checked out as assigned reading rather than just because people thought to read them.

I totally get why children's books are so big - I recall checking out Beatrice Potter books over and over as a little kid.
Sounds like the number 1 must have been recently promoted heavily and used in schools. The wikipedia suggests it was pulled out of obscurity only a few years ago. Ironic subject author relationship given the recent headlines out of New York on neighborhood clashes.
The one that surprises me is the Dale Carnegie thing. That's a very old self-help book. Of course, it has been revised since 1936, but that still amazes me.
it was hugely popular in the 40’s through the 60’s in the US - probably the most famous and best selling ‘personal growth’ book of all time.
it was hugely popular in the 40’s through the 60’s in the US - probably the most famous and best selling ‘personal growth’ book of all time.

It is practically required reading for anyone going into sales, and that is unlikely to change.
