Tiny, living, robot FROGS.

Here's another link, because the Independent wants you to register to read the whole article.

Scientists have built the world's first living, self-healing robots

My first thought: Is this a hoax? It just seems way too advanced for modern technology. The fact that I was able to find another article argues against that. (Unless this is another human cloning/cold fusion thing; but it seems legit.)

Really blows my mind. Somehow this doesn't reassure me:

. . . small enough to travel inside human bodies. They can walk and swim, survive for weeks without food, and work together in groups.
thank you, it is just ... i mean... tiny, living robot frogs.. it... inside human... no. Noooo... *
First of all, why?

Secondly, how are they robots if they're just stem cells?
We can never destroy them all... the tiny... little... itsy, bitsy.... Living ROBOT.... frogs..:eek::sick:
This cool and very possible, but the usefulness of these Frankensteins is going to be limited by the ability to program them accurately.
It really is mind blowing. I don't find them frightening. It is just amazing.
And still another link:

Living robots built using frog cells: Tiny 'xenobots' assembled from cells promise advances from drug delivery to toxic waste clean-up

At the end of the article there is a video (1 min.) probably better called an promo for what was done and what might be done with this tech.

This seems like a huge step forward (or some will think it's forward) but the article talks about how it is being built on existing tech, and is more like the next step rather than an intuitive leap.
Frog DNA was used to patch up the dinosaur DNA in the Jurassic Park movie. Seems like science is imitating an artistic plot device that created nothing but problems for the humans who tried to make money off of it. Is the drive to reproduce just a genetic hard coded function or is it a function of the sum is greater than the parts philosophy. Thinking of a baby chick breaking out of its eggshell. Nature finds a way.
Awesome! A whole new reason to not drink the water.

"Were you in Mexico? That amoebic dysentery is awful!"

"Nope, Vermont. Dang frogs..." :confused:

Don't eat, short life span, biodegradable, capable of doing work like cleaning up micro plastic. Sounds like a plan. They can't really reproduce on their own, they have to accumulate apparently already prepared stem cells in their mouths which grow into them and replace them. Probably for them to reproduce on their own the old fashioned way, they would probably need to eat or somehow acquire energy. Getting that to work would be something to see. However it might be possible, even easier, to give them a fuel tank, maybe a form to form around, with some kind of simple way of converting the stored material into energy for the xenobot to use. Could think of some scary uses as well.
