We manage to wake up one of the bodies found, they are tested and are positive for human DNA. The first person that wakes up starts telling the story, our story how we were once an advance race with every problem we now face solved, second person wakes up and also start telling the story they are or were a couple (woman and a man) they were in love. But then something happens, and we destroy ourselves...in that era, so basically us humans as we know ourselves existed millennia ago in this very same planet.
This is pretty much the main concept I remember the book was about. I believe the book title is:
The History before time.
But I'm translating from a Spanish title so it might not be accurate.
This is pretty much the main concept I remember the book was about. I believe the book title is:
The History before time.
But I'm translating from a Spanish title so it might not be accurate.