Actually, it can become a logic problem, which can be fun (Note I'm using
fun at its most loosest
My approach:
- Create a spreadsheet, or a table of any kind
- List all the titles in one column and use the author names as column headers (or vice versa)
- Make my guesses
- If I don't get any correct, then put an N (No) at the cross section between my author/story guesses
- If I get say two correct, then put a P (Possible) at the cross section between my author/story guesses
- And obviously I can put a Y (Yes) against my own entry and an N against everyone else and every other entry
- Wait for other people's guesses and repeat the process.
- If they don't get any correct, then put an N (No) at the cross section between their author/story guesses
- If they get say three correct, then put a P (Possible) at the cross section between my author/story guesses. If there is already a P at the intersection, then add another P
After a few guesses from other people, the table will become full of Xs and Ps and those with the most Ps will probably be the correct author/story match.
And then I pounce and make a second guess and correctly identify every pairing *
Hmmm? I think I need some more excitement in my life
* This has never happened