Can someone please explain the side story to me?
We have an abandoned baby, adopted by the couple who found him, we've interludes throughout the main story to watch him grow. At first I thought he was the last cyberman, then I thought he was the old man but he's the only one who ages in the village, leads me too think Brendan is the timeless child.
Pleased they didn't try and do this in one part. If I'm right, I don't know how they'll bring him into the main story but with the bombshell at the end all we need is Ruth Doctor to appear and most of story arcs in this series will conclude.
I've changed my mind about Yaz, I'd like her too remain as a companion, still want to see Ryan go.
We have an abandoned baby, adopted by the couple who found him, we've interludes throughout the main story to watch him grow. At first I thought he was the last cyberman, then I thought he was the old man but he's the only one who ages in the village, leads me too think Brendan is the timeless child.
Pleased they didn't try and do this in one part. If I'm right, I don't know how they'll bring him into the main story but with the bombshell at the end all we need is Ruth Doctor to appear and most of story arcs in this series will conclude.
I've changed my mind about Yaz, I'd like her too remain as a companion, still want to see Ryan go.