Terminology: What to call a mage's supporter/assistant/energy provider?


Nov 7, 2005
In my world, casting magic costs (among other things) energy. By default a mage will draw this energy from his own body. It is also possible to make deals with godlike beings and draw energy from them.

Or you can draw energy from other people. Now, it's possible to steal energy from unwilling captives, but that is inconvenient and lossy. It is much more efficient to draw energy from a voluntary supporter.

This means that "mage's supporter/energy provider" is now an occupation! :D

Any schmuck can provide energy to a mage, but it's much more effective if you're trained in doing it. Energy providers also want to exercise their body and mind, because a strong and healthy body with a well-stimulated mind can provide more energy than a feeble fool. Energy providers can also double as bodyguards, manservants or even apprentice mages. A mage who is wealthy or in the employ of someone wealthy (such as a king) will often employ a team of such supporters.

What I struggle with is: What to call them? "Supporter" or "assistant" is very generic and broad. "Energy provider" is clumsy and implausible. "Battery" is dehumanizing - this is supposed to be a respected profession.

Do you have any good ideas?

Greek or Latin-rooted words are also acceptable.

Thanks in advance for your help!
In my SF WIPs I have Judges whose abilities require a great deal of energy, and they can recoup some of that via someone who is bound to them, and who also acts as a general bodyguard. I'm not one for fancy titles, so such a bound person is called a Judge's Man.

In Robin Hobb's Assassin trilogy there's the same idea where those with the Skill -- who are usually of royal blood -- can draw on others, and where those energy providers are volunteers they're known as King's Men. (And I hasten to confirm that my SFs were written long before I read Hobb's books!)

Have you thought about inventing a word, based on your fantasy's languages? As long as you define it when it's first introduced, that will do the trick. Otherwise something like sustainer or defender, or pillar perhaps, or just a simple Aide.
Donor(what good mages call them)
however if the process depletes enough to eat away at them then maybe:
Donner(what evil mages call them)
And of course for those who get off on giving up energy.
Prima Donna

Organized they might be the
Local power company or
Providing energy to those who need it most.

A Fontibus

From the Latin for springs, (I think - you'd better check it properly!). Because it sounds a bit like succubus and incubus. And the energy for the wizard/witch could be thought to gush forth from their 'spring' beside them.
There's a similar concept in Trudi Canavan's The Black Magician trilogy whereby one magician can take another's power, usually for black/higher magic purposes. However, I don't think they have a specific name, the donors are either servants or novices.

Anyway, how about powerbroker? Similar to a stockbroker except people like them ;)
Conduit - but I suppose that implies they are drawing through them instead of on them.
Giver - and the mages could be derogatorily nicknamed takers
If they were related they might be "assist-Aunts"


Something Biblical .... "Help-mate"
"Tributary" --- carrying with it the idea of a supporting stream which fills the main stream.
Something technical .... "Web-Support"
Energy Patron? I realise you said it's a form of employment rather than a benevolent sponsor, but depending on how the set-up evolved into its "modern" form it could work.
"Battery" is dehumanizing - this is supposed to be a respected profession.

I'm surprised - someone is taking the life from another and it's considered respectable??

Presumably if mages think it's such a great idea then it's going to be acolytes - mages in training - who would be most willing to help, in order to help with their own (eventual) development into mages.

However, I can see some people outside of the mages' circle might consider the practice somewhat obscene, even vampiric. :)
However, I can see some people outside of the mages' circle might consider the practice somewhat obscene, even vampiric.

It depends. They could be considered retainers. Might get paid well and depending on the magic available might gain some impressive health benefits :)

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