Sci-fi book about horrifying tech wall/portal construction that human soldiers watch


New Member
Apr 8, 2020
  • Novel
  • Read as child (late 90s-mid 2000s)
  • Humans watching over sci fi wall/hive/portal thing.
  • Plot/Setting: human soldiers look out and observe huge foreign structure (origins unknown). I think this might be a digital construction that seems to make illusions. There isn't necessary aliens as such at this construction but some sort of awful hive intelligence. Humans are watching this awful wall/hive thing where the intelligence (or whatever they were) taunts humans by producing horrifying images e.g. crushed babies under their human vehicles e.g. tanks (that are not real, but appear real). Initially only female soldiers are guarding this but after a few months they switch to male soldiers. During the changeover the male and female soldiers sleep together, however for some reason this causes I guess fluids (ew) to go down to a tech "well" (?) thing and the hive/wall/tech thing starts producing illusory babies in horrifying ways. I believe there are some main characters who have the goal of observing this wall structure and the behavior of the weird thing as they think they may need to to war against it and that it could get dangerous. It is definitely darkish, but one of the main things was this hive/intelligence thing gets smarter and more dangerous over time to the humans. It also again likes to horrify humans with fake but awful imagery. Really weird/horrible/interesting premise!
  • Sorry that this such a vague and inaccurate description I remember nothing of this and probably read it 14 years ago. If anyone can name this, I salute you!
Not familiar with it but I really hope it gets identified so I can get it!

@Nikolai1 good description, cheers.

P.S. a much older story but some of the plot description is reminiscent of The Night Land by William Hope Hodgson

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