Tim Brooke-Taylor

The Goodies were a mainstay of my growing up. The word play, the physical humour, the bizarre tales, I lapped it up. Much of what I have and still find funny I can trace back to them.
I loved the Goodies. I’ll always remember their cowboy sketch with the tomato sauce.

R. I. P. Tim.
A very funny man, especially in radio. The stuff he did in the '60s and '70s was fantastic.
Absolutely. It was ISIRTA that put me onto 'madcap humour' - my dad could never understand just why I was rolling on the ground, stuffing a sleeve in my mouth. "My name is Angus Prune and this is my tune, it goes: I - S - I - R - T - A, I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again". Magic. Thanks again, Tim.
Very sad. He was marvellous on I'm Sorry... but it was as a Goodie I'll always remember him.

At my school there was a tradition that at the end of the summer term the leaving Sixth Formers would put on a review-type show in the afternoon. But before that, at 9am, they would have a kind of fancy dress parade with a procession around the streets surrounding the school (it was in its own block) and then down the drive and into the school proper. My best friend and I loved the Goodies so guess who we dressed up as...

I'm Tim -- goodness only knows where I got the waistcoat and Union Jack from. (No suit -- the only one available would have been my father's weddings-and-funerals affair which would have swamped me.) It's hard to see from this image, but Krys has thick glasses, a proper tie and the requisite tweed jacket as Graeme. Her teddy was Bill -- short and hairy. We couldn't run to a tandem, much less a trandem (Krys and Teddy-Bill rode and I walked) but we did have homemade badges.

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