(Found) 80ish PB, Deadly Planet, Explorers Kidnapped, Forced Trek Across World, One Terrorist Killed by Flower in Hair-eats brain


Apr 13, 2020
Hi, I read this in the 1980s, it was a paperback, and there was a group of explorers or an expedition on this deadly planet. The explorers and guide are taken hostage and forced across the planet, for some reason I can't remember. Several of the terrorists are killed by the planet, with the guide not giving information, or giving wrong information, etc. I specifically remember one of the terrorists is a woman who puts a flower in her hair. The guide notices but says nothing, and a few days later she falls over dead, the flower having grown into her brain and eating it. I thought this was a Commonwealth series book by Foster as one of the explorers was a Thranx who broke a leg or had a leg bitten off, and the guide was from another commonwealth book, however nothing that I've seen matches. I could have easily missed something, though. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
MidWorld?? Has lots of vicious plant life... Cross-linked to the book MidFlinx where Flinx lands on MidWorld.

I remember the bit about the flower! But where.... where!? ["If you're going to San Fran-cisco.... be sure to wear... some flowers in your hair..."]
Just to help the OP find it - Midworld was by Alan Dean Foster
Published in 1975. Can I mark this one as another book found? The Wikipedia entry also notes the book's similarities with the film Avatar.

What the hell was Scott McKenzie thinking? :eek:
If you think that was bad, take a look at the lack of social distancing when he sang it at Woodstock.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I thought it was a Foster Commenwealth book, but never considered one of the Flinx Series. I'm sorry for not responding sooner, but I don't have my settings correct, and wasn't notified of any replies... I need to fix that :) I did check the ebook of Midworld I have and skimmed through it, and yep, there was the flower and the death, just like I remembered! Thank you so much, I'm off the read the entire book now... and probably the entire Flinx series again, although I don't think I cared much for the ending/later books... but I guess I'll find out again :)
