Pentagon releases UFO footage

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Some intriguing footage of "Unidentified flying Objects" has been released by the Pentagon, apparently because the footage had already been leaked online:

I have to admit, I find them interesting - but am also left wondering what the Pentagon's motivation is. I know from experience that previous sightings of UFO's over Hull - in the form of black triangles - turned out to be secret test flights for the new US stealth bomber.

So is the Pentagon releasing these because of a genuine goodwill toward UFO enthusiasts - or because they are actually test flights for experimental technology from rival powers? :)
Having seen the stealth bombers fly by last year when they were in the UK they do have a very strange shape when in the far distance. You could really tell that they were something "abnormal" in the sky. Didn't have my camera with me, but if I'd taken a few blurry far off shots they would have looked just like hovering UFO's. Of course as they got closer and more detail resolved and the angle changed you could certainly see them for what they were (and in the far distance I sort of had a feeling that I knew what they were; but was surprised because they aren't a normal thing in the UK).
So is the Pentagon releasing these because of a genuine goodwill toward UFO enthusiasts - or because they are actually test flights for experimental technology from rival powers? :)

Neither. I think we've discussed them somewhere else on the forum, but my understanding is that they are likely to be some very earthly flotsom and jetsom* - that appears mysterious and 'ufo'-shaped because of the technology used to shoot the footage, i.e. the use of IR etc.

That the pilots themselves, at the time, appeared baffled...well they're human, they've not seen everything on heaven and earth, and they were, I believe, on training flights with new equipment. It's clear on some of the post-anaylsis that they misjudged some of the details of the sightings from their perception at the time.

Who knows why they've done this...perhaps someone lodged a freedom of information request and it's taken this long to work through? Bureaucracy can be as mysterious and idiosyncratic as any supernatural event ;)

* I believe that It's likely one of them is probably a balloon that was released by the carrier force that was testing newly installed electronic capabilities by tracking them. Another is, from memory, very likely to be a sea bird. You know, mundane things like that. I think the pentagon have already responded that although these objects were unidentified, that the above explanations were most likely. The fact that they weren't bothered about them suggests to me that it's the sort of thing they tend to see on exercises and turns out to be nothing.

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