Writing Resources Index Thread

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The Big Peat

Darth Buddha
Apr 9, 2016
Welcome to the SFF Chronicles Writing Resources Index Thread

The purpose of this thread is to provide an index of the many resources that have been posted to this forum over the years, allowing people to find items of interest to them. It is split into sections and to view the links available under each section, please click the spoiler button

If people wish to discuss the merits of any particular thread's advice, I would suggest doing so in the thread itself.

If people wish to flag out of date advice or broken links that render the advice useless, please contact the specified curators of the thread (or staff moderators if none are specified) stating why it should be removed.

Similarly, if you have a link that you believe should be on this resource list, please contact the curators/staff with the link and why.

I hope everyone enjoys using it; certainly I found a number of useful links while compiling it.

Starting Writing

- Software

- How to write books

- Writing Groups/Courses

- Other

Generally Helpful Writing Articles



Plot & Arc


Ideation & World Building

Technical Information

- History
- Health
- Combat
- Myth, Spirituality & Occult
- Science
- Animals
- Other

- Submitting
- Self Publishing
- Agents
- Professional Editing
- Self Publicity
- Blogging
- Other
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If people wish to flag out of date advice or broken links that render the advice useless, please contact the specified curators of the thread (or staff moderators if none are specified) stating why it should be removed.

Similarly, if you have a link that you believe should be on this resource list, please contact the curators/staff with the link and why.

By judicial decree and some kind of mind-befuddling tricksiness, possibly involving hypnosis, I've ended up with the curating job. Contact me by PM on any of the above matters. I'll sticky and lock this thread in the meantime.

Good work Peat!
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