(Probably Found) Seeking vintage sci fi book re: aliens who talk with radio waves biologically


New Member
May 25, 2020
I once came across a bit of vintage sci fi literature (not pulp as I recall) where a man winds up on a planet where the inhabitants have antennae and communicate silently, but the protagonist learns how to communicate with them via his crashed (?) ship's salvaged radio transceiver (using it as a sort of translator).
I was getting this mixed up, I believe, with Edgar Rice Burroughs' Mars/John Carter books (possibly because my mystery story may, too, have been set on Mars(?) and/or the inhabitants were either insectoid or had 6 limbs or so, as I recall).
My strongest lead is a speculative sort of "exoscience" paper I found about biological elementioning one Russian classic sci fi author A. R. Belyayev, but I'm not sure and am not pinpointing it easily.
Does anyone know the work I'm talking about?
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
-- Jeff
