Short story about murder and awaiting death sentence. Roald Dahl perhaps


Science fiction fantasy
Jun 14, 2020
I've read it in russian book of 1993 year, and it's also slightly possible that this very story was published in Russian in 1967.
Not very helpful with date, though.

The book had various authors' works, and couple of Roald Dahl short stories. I know english title and year of every his story in this book, but THIS i cannot find and that's why i'm asking for help. It is also possible, that author's name in the book was mistake, so please, keep it in mind.

The main character is robbed by his business partner. Being in despair because of losing ability to provide for his family, he shots his business partner to death in order to be executed, and therefore get life-insurance money for his family . . .but his lawyer (a court-appointed one) is too professional, so he got only life-long sentence.

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