Danny McG
Lid closed, monkey dead.
It's as unfocused as the first book and like the first this one also keeps jumping from 'now' to 'back then' to 'some point in between'.Any good? I found Bird Box bleak, and unfocused (no pun intended considering the subject matter), and I thought the ending left too much in the air. It might just have been it didn't connect with me at the time (most likely explanation, in fact), but I'm half way interested in a sequel.
This is set ten years later so the two kids are now teenagers, a lot of the story is from their viewpoint so it's looking like a YA book.
TBH it's only the mysterious creatures that are keeping me involved with the story, they've evolved it seems, now they don't just wait for you to look at them, they can turn you into a psycho killer by skin contact.
So survivors don't only wear a blindfold, they got long sleeves and hoodies and gloves etc, even on hot and sunny days.
I intend to finish this one but it's becoming harder to keep my attention - I'm maybe 70% through it