(Found) Science Fiction Novel (possibly series) Read in 1993 Interplanetary/Interdimensional Travel


Jul 9, 2020
I remember reading a fascinating book that I believe was part of a series. The plot escapes me but there is a memorable part of the book that would pop out to anyone that read it:

While searching for a person that had traveled to another planet/dimension, a shapeshifting beastman had rented a place to stay while looking for the person, and decided to purchase a pay per view "adult entertainment" video, and noted with chagrin that human males left their "parts" exposed during the entire mating process, which is obviously dangerous because they could get clawed.
Possibly part of Man-Kzin Wars series created by Larry Niven and featuring various authors.
I began reading the first book in the Man-Kzin wars, but this doesn't appear to be it. I believe the book I read was part of a series, published in or during the 80s, and the beast man that I was referring to was a supporting character whose race wasn't an integral plot point.
Could it be one of the "Timeliner Trilogy" by Richard C Meredith?
Happy to report I found my book/series after some digging. I found it by doing a search of the best fantasy novels of the 80s. Best Fantasy of the 80s (291 books)

The book is Castle Kidnapped and is the 3rd book in the Castle Perilous series. I saw Castle Spellbound in the Goodreads list, part of the same series, and that caused all of the right neurons to fire in the right order.

Posting the list I used because it will probably help solve a lot of questions (it features synopses along with the cover art).
Could it be one of the "Timeliner Trilogy" by Richard C Meredith?
Thank you for this suggestion. It wasn't what I was looking for but I did manage to find a copy of the first book, and it was worth the read.
Possibly part of Man-Kzin Wars series created by Larry Niven and featuring various authors.
Thank you for this suggestion. This also wasn't the series I was looking for but I found and started reading one of the books in this series, and it was instantly immersive.
