Most popular science fiction novels - how many have you read?

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Ursa posted this link from GoodReads in another thread, and I thought it would be good to see how many books different members have read according to the GoodReads popularity list:

Btw, good to see a Bobiverse book up there from our own @Dennis E. Taylor . :)
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Depends on what counts as having read a book. Finished? Picked up but eventually put down? Bought with every intention of reading but now just inspires guilt when you spot it on the shelf?
36, 18 of the first 25, then 18 of the next 75. I lean more to fantasy, so it makes sense I’m heavy on the classics but less versed in the deeper cuts.
Depends on what counts as having read a book. Finished? Picked up but eventually put down? Bought with every intention of reading but now just inspires guilt when you spot it on the shelf?

This is a good question and as such I'll give 2 answers to the OP:

Finished: 39
DNF: 7
Total: 46

Here's another question: What is the first book on the list that you haven't read?

My answers (two again, one for never read, one for DNF):

#11. The Martian - never read this one (but I did enjoy the movie.)
#7. Frankenstein - Read a good chunk of it but it was a slog. DNF.
50. I have to say that not all of the books in that list are classics.
I finished 4 books from that list. Even with the DNFs, I'd probably be under 10, definitely under 12. I just realized that while SF&F are my favorite genres to write, I almost exclusively read non-fiction and reference books.
I've read 37 (I also started but DNF Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea). I suspect I'd get a better score for a fantasy equivalent of the list.
I'm sorely lacking in science fiction, I've read 9. Would be interesting to see a purely fantasy one.
I tried looking for one but admit I don’t know the site well despite having an account for what must be 15 years now.
I've read 50 of them, all older. Not many of the newer ones. Most of these would not make my list of the top one hundred.
I just miss the fifty percent mark, having read 49 of them.

The highest listed one I haven't read is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

The lowest listed one I have read is Red Mars.

I very much liked almost all of the ones I have read. Ones that I didn't particularly like, and thought were somewhat overrated (without being really "bad") are Ender's Game, Dune, The Road, The Stand, and Doomsday Book.

Interesting to note that the top five books are all classic dystopias.
49. About average, and heavily weighted toward the older books. I'm sorry to see a Timothy Zahn fan-fiction book lumped in with some of the giants of the genre, though, even way down at #81...
