mortal ally
Something like this has probably already been posted. I was just wondering whether you are able to read any novels or stories by bigots or just terrible people. I, on the one hand, can read books by Baum and love them, even though he advised the genocide of all Native Americans (still hate him, though). On the other hand, I've read some Lovecraft, but can't get over not only the racism and xenophobia in his fiction, but ever since I read his poem on the "creation" of black people (obviously he used a different term), I feel as though I was reading something penned by Hitler. I'm even more mystified by Jewish authors using his mythos (He was somewhat anti-Semitic, though his wife was Jewish; as long as they were "assimilated" into WASP culture, it seemed they were tolerable to him). I feel like a massive hypocrite, but there it is.
Are you able to "get past" authors' bigotry or personal history to be able to read their works?
Are you able to "get past" authors' bigotry or personal history to be able to read their works?
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