Italics at introduction of a 'thing' name?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2018
In my MS, I have a number of instances where I'm introducing a thing or profession (not title) name, type-of place names, and replacement names (slang terms) for various nouns--replacement verb terms I don't feel a need to do this with (perhaps incorrectly).

My question is, should I italicize the word on the first instance--when directly describing it--and perhaps even MUCH later when refreshing the reader's memory.

As an example, the protagonist is noting various drugs and their affects on visitors. In its rough form (unedited):
Those using enhanced speed called steam, looked manic; their faces red and veins bulging. The intense opiate-like narcotic slouch, caused people to plod about painlessly. Most here were high on the aphrodisiac slide, their amorous gaze telling. Syco and what they called scrud, caused people to twitch, jerk, and babble out of their minds.

Thanks for your help!

I would skip the italics. As long as the terms are used in context, the reader will understand and I would find random italicized words on the page distracting. Something like, "Joe was steamin' at the office, flitting rapidly from project to project" would be self explanatory in your world and would not cause confusion that Joe was angry.
Likewise. I think it works better to leave the word in the story as if it was a normal word, and to let the reader figure it out from the context.
Nope, leave the italics out. They're not needed and would only serve to clutter the page, and that's especially the case when you're explaining what the words means anyway. In ordinary use -- ie not telepathy or somesuch -- I'd use italics only for words which are being stressed for whatever reason.
You want to try to reserve italics for
Names of:

Possibly titles of books.
And I've seen magazine names

Also; some of the above might be dependent upon editing preferences or the style guide being used by the editors.

Oddly enough:
One guide that is often used is when giving a formal definition of a word, that word could be highlighted with italics.

Analgesic, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, and Narcotic
It can treat moderate to severe pain.

Availability: Prescription needed
Pregnancy: Consult a doctor
Alcohol: Avoid. Very serious interactions can occur
Drug class: Opioid
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I'd also employ italics when using a word in a foreign language to the main text of the piece:

"We went to a little restaurant in the back streets of Vienna, where they do an amazing Käsespätzle..."
Well thanks everyone, it looks like I have my answer then. :)


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