Myth & Mythos 1 : A Parliament of Rooks by Douglas Morrison


Douglas Morrison
Sep 22, 2020
Cheshire UK
This book is a mix of fantasy and horror, fresh out on the Amazon label with the usual sources of Kindle unlimited, Kindle or Paperback.

There are 11 short stories within the book, 2 are by Will Staton and the remainder by Douglas.

The theme is the world of HP Lovecraft now and covers a variety of subjects.

Modern madness seems to be the theme of the first story, a man uncomfortable in the 9 to 5, slowly slips into madness, or does he?
A PI investigating an old house, a familiar theme to any Lovecraft fan, and is by far the most traditional of all the tales.
There are several stories concerning a Outlaw Biker who specialises in the occult deep in the Bayou.
A two-part story of an Angel / Deamon awakening from a centuries-old slumber.
An end of the world story of soldiers fleeing the fall of the world.
A story of a man burned out, fleeing the modern world and finding himself upon a new path.
The last tale concerns the final day of a famous author and his confession to the world.

The themes are quite intriguing and the underlying set pieces are very reminiscent of Lovecraft, for example, a renowned artist whos work appears in several of the stories to a famous bluesman whos music has a darker undercurrent.

The book has artwork created by the author within as well as the cover and so forth and the initial releases on the next book promises to continue the existing characters and a lot more artwork.

Overall the book is a great read. In places a knowledge of H P`s work would help, particularly as the monsters are rarely mentioned by name merely description. So for example yes it is quite obvious in the old house we face a ghoul and yet it is not stated.

For a first novel, it is an enjoyable read and I am looking forward to the release of the second on the 7th of October.


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