We have a two-way tie.
You have until 23:59 (GMT) on September the 30th to make your choice.
The two stories still in contention:
You have until 23:59 (GMT) on September the 30th to make your choice.
The two stories still in contention:
Cerebralnimbus by Moonbat
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Become part of
Only using 10% of your brain? Lease out the other 90%
Your brain could:
Help develop a Grand Unified Theory
Help a child learn to speak
Help a pensioner remember their childhood
*Bio-cloud reserve the right to utilise your brain for profit creation, military expansion and/or social political manipulation. Contractually binding enlistment transfers ownership of your neurons to bio-cloud’s parent company.
Become part of something larger.
Become part of
Only using 10% of your brain? Lease out the other 90%
Your brain could:
Help develop a Grand Unified Theory
Help a child learn to speak
Help a pensioner remember their childhood
*Bio-cloud reserve the right to utilise your brain for profit creation, military expansion and/or social political manipulation. Contractually binding enlistment transfers ownership of your neurons to bio-cloud’s parent company.
The View by Elckerlyc
“I have a room on the 197th floor. But all I see are clouds!”
“We try to live up to our name, Sir.” The clerk winked and nodded at the hotel’s logo, depicting a tower rising next to and up into a mushroom-shaped cloud. “Perhaps a room on a lower floor?”
“Was the view to your satisfaction, Sir?”
“Certainly. Unsettling yet awesome.”
“I understand. The sight of London Crater can be very disturbing.”