(Probably Found) Starship, man searching for humanity, blue woman companion, robots exterminating human races from the universe


New Member
Dec 13, 2020
I read this book in the mid 1970's. It was a paperback trilogy. The story is set way in the future in outer space. Humanity has dispersed across the universe and has changed into many various races.
The main character is a man and he has a very sophisticated spaceship. He is searching the universe for the various races of humanity. He comes across a starship floating in space (I think) and rescues one blue woman from it. She is small and has high metabolism and her body can get very hot ( I seem to remember that her name is something like Villimy Duy, but I could be wrong about that). The man and the woman thru the stories become intimate and lovers. There is also an army of robots that are going about exterminating the surviving human races.
