(Found) Book about helping a planet that worships "Mother" advance quickly so that they can help defend against an approaching alien fleet

PC Hines

New Member
Feb 13, 2021
I am trying to find a science fiction book about a federation helping a planet that worships mother advance quickly so that they can help defend against an approaching alien space fleet. They introduce new inventions (like gunpowder and the telegraph) to help them develop very quickly. The civilization adapts to the new inventions and soon invent new rockets and new weapons and help the federation fleet defeat the approaching aliens.
It's making me think of A.A. Attanasio's Radix Tetrad.

(I think book 2 - but it's a long time since I read the series so maybe not)
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It's making me think of A.A. Attanasio's Radix Tetrad.

(I think book 2 - but it's a long time since I read the series so maybe not)
That looks a little too new. I'm pretty sure this was a 1950/1960s sci-fi book. I think I still have the book somewhere in my collection, but in looking through my books, I haven't stumbled across anything that looked familiar.
Hey, I answered my own question! The book is called Ten Years to Doomsday by Chester Anderson & Michael Kurland / 1964 Pyramid SF.
