Wizards and Witches and Magic Users of All Types Etcetera in Cinema, Television , Literature, Graphic Novels Games Thread .


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
This topic about great magic Users in All Fantasy Whom do you think are the best and worst and most memorable what makes them so. This also includes non human magic users and creatures as well.

I'm going to kick this off with the magicians Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell as I love the whole English magic thing they have going on. The dynamic between the two magicians is also brilliant, a master and apprentice at odds while trying to remain gentlemanly about it.

I'm also fond of Eli Monpress because come on, a smarmy thief who uses his magic to charm spirits into helping him commit crimes with the sole intention of upping his own bounty :)
"Pre-eminent amongst Rincewind’s talents was his skill in running away, which over the years he had elevated to the status of a genuinely pure science; it didn’t matter if you were fleeing from or to, so long as you were fleeing. It was flight alone that counted. I run, therefore I am; more correctly, I run, therefore with any luck I’ll still be. "
"Pre-eminent amongst Rincewind’s talents was his skill in running away, which over the years he had elevated to the status of a genuinely pure science; it didn’t matter if you were fleeing from or to, so long as you were fleeing. It was flight alone that counted. I run, therefore I am; more correctly, I run, therefore with any luck I’ll still be. "

It seems Rincewind took a page from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.:)

Which bring to mind the mighty and magnificent Tim The Enchanter ! :D
I like Ogion from A Wizard of Earthsea because he teaches philosophy as well as magic.

Gandalf is obviously cool.
I've recently come to the conclusion that the Jedi are just wizards under a different name.
I've thought that before but it's a very limited powerset. Telepathy and telekinesis being the main ones - though I think there are a few extras like the ghost thing or possibly precognition? Oh, and force lightning if you're a baddie :)

They don't have anything I can remember in way of spells though, which to me loses them the title.
The mind trick is quite a useful spell, as is healing. I also believe that Force users are supposed to have a natural affinity with animals, (although i can't remember where i read that.)
Are there any real differences between superheroes' abilities and those of warlocks and witches?
I would suggest that superhero powers are inherited/natural or bestowed through some nuclear/radioactive accident. Warlocks and witches have to learn incantations and how to brew potions. Or something :unsure:
Dolores Umbridge is an awful person. How quickly can someone make themselves be so disliked? And she's a cat lover!!

Catweazle was a latter-day Rincewind (the tv show is on Talking Pictures in the UK at the moment). Very funny show, and a brilliant actor.

Also the chap who portrays Merlin in Excalibur; very brilliantly played.
My first witch would've been the one in the Hansel and Gretel story by The Brothers Grimm. (I think the original story is quite violent. Don't the kids come back and chop the witch up?)

The Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz is probably my most memorable witch. She terrified me as a child.

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