My 12 year-old is a big MCU fan so we (belatedly) watched this all the way through. The peak was episode 4, I think, were the above screenshot comes from. Overall, however, it was patchy. It had some major issues with consistency of tone, and some of the character interplay didn't ring true. Also, some plot points felt a little laboured. Great theme tune, though, and some decent action scenes, but definitely a missed opportunity to enlarge upon some of the more political themes covered (and done so much better) in Captain America Winter Soldier and Civil War. I'm also not sure how I feel about the racial theme. As a privileged white man, it's probably not my place to say, but I didn't think it was necessary to try and reframe the story as a civil rights issue. I didn't feel they needed to justify having a black man as an iconic superhero. Fans would have accepted it, I'm sure. I'm just not sure it was the right platform but, again, that's me speaking as someone that's never been on the receiving end of racial discrimination.