Finished the 6th of the Murderbot Diaries, Fugitive Telemetry, by Martha Wells. And this continues the tradition of being smart and thought provoking. We see Murderbot now living on "Preservation Station" with her friends. (I see I still understand Murderbot as female. It is an it, but I can't call it an it, because it's just too human, so she.) Anyway in this story she becomes a "detective" and starts to become more of an individual. It's wonderful. But as usual it's short and expensive. I'll buy another if that means anything.
I've now started another book in a favorite series. The Navy of Humankind: Wasp Squadron .... Indomitable it's following the life of a young woman who takes the call sign of Fire Ant. It's pretty topflight. I'm happy that Amazon reminded me of it.
I've now started another book in a favorite series. The Navy of Humankind: Wasp Squadron .... Indomitable it's following the life of a young woman who takes the call sign of Fire Ant. It's pretty topflight. I'm happy that Amazon reminded me of it.