Will we ever see John Steinbeck's Werewolf story?

Alex The G and T

Unusual Suspect
Jan 25, 2012
Extremely Northern California
A very early John Steinbeck novel was a Werewolf murder mystery. It was rejected by publishers and hidden away by Steinbeck and his Estate.

This, I'd love to read. I'm a big Steinbeck Fan.

The first I heard of it was on the Stephen Colbert show, presented hilariously along with a demand for other horror stories from otherwise famous authors.
Louisa May Alcott's Little Mummies and This:

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A very early John Steinbeck novel was a Werewolf murder mystery. It was rejected by publishers and hidden away by Steinbeck and his Estate.

This, I'd love to read. I'm a big Steinbeck Fan.

The first I heard of it was on the Stephen Colbert show, presented hilariously along with a demand for other horror stories from otherwise famous authors.
Louisa May Alcott's Little Mummies and This:

View attachment 78836

Id read this. :D
It's doubtful this book will ever be brought into print.
I’d like to read it too. I’ve always considered the opening paragraphs of The Grapes Of Wrath to be among the finest in literature.
It's potential pastiche material--someone will do a Steinbeck werewolf book probably.

The Grapes of Wolf

The way Steinbeck alluded to Aesop's fable about the fox and the grapes but with a distraught and demoralized werewolf trying to get at people trapped on the other side of a window before declaring with a Oklahoma accent that they probably taste sour.
I, for one, will be more than happy never to read this book. I have a lifetime of Steinbeck memories to keep me warm in my waning years without the inclusion of one of his lesser works. Am I curious? You bet. But not that much.

BTW, some great alternative titles, but Toby's gets the cigar. 'The Grapes of Wraith'. :) Ha. Toby, have you ever considered writing? :rolleyes:
Travels with Charley.

you have to question Steinbeck’s transparency with respect to Charley.

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