I was preparing to send the novel off to agents and priming myself by reading up on the net.
Oh lord, I came across this pertinent question on Jericho writers
"Are you really writing science fiction?"
Have I written a sci-fi or is it a techno thriller? (Implying different agents)
Analysis paralysis has just set in, because I think it is somewhere in the middle!
How do you deal with that condition? I can't be the only one.
Ideally I need someone in the business to read it and give me the appropriate lapel badge.
Is 'speculative fiction' a potential catch all for crossovers?
Oh lord, I came across this pertinent question on Jericho writers
"Are you really writing science fiction?"

UK Literary Agents For Science Fiction | Jericho Writers
Our comprehensive list of UK agents for science fiction is so useful you can spend more time creating and less time agent hunting.

Analysis paralysis has just set in, because I think it is somewhere in the middle!
How do you deal with that condition? I can't be the only one.
Ideally I need someone in the business to read it and give me the appropriate lapel badge.
Is 'speculative fiction' a potential catch all for crossovers?