My new WIP is written partially in omni, and having written four novels in, respectively, close 3rd, close 3rd, close 3rd, and 1st person, I'm finding it a bit of a struggle. The instinct is to keep diving into an individual character's close 3rd perspective, rather than retain that slightly aloof air of arms' length distance over several characters' thoughts simultaneously that I think ought to typify an omniscient perspective (this might be called head-hopping, which I don't necessarily regard as the great sin that some do).
I know it's not been fashionable for a while but I do think it fits the tone of what I'm trying to accomplish with the latest WIP. And also I think we ought to try to challenge ourselves to write in different forms and with different techniques.
Is anyone else writing in omni?
I know it's not been fashionable for a while but I do think it fits the tone of what I'm trying to accomplish with the latest WIP. And also I think we ought to try to challenge ourselves to write in different forms and with different techniques.
Is anyone else writing in omni?