Where are the Douglas Hill fans?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2021
While he wasn't the author that introduced me to Sci Fi (I found that genre through TV and comics long before I read any of his work) I did find his work while I was about eleven or so, in my (now closed and relocated and only open certain days) local library and quickly made my way through the "Colsec trilogy" and "The Last Legionary" and found he was very good at putting images in my head with only minimal description, although his exposition could sometimes be a bit too wordy sometimes, or rather just very long in terms of word count. The very first Legionary book is an example of that.

I do find myself wondering what he might have gone on to do if he hadn't died and how his work might be looked at today if he had published more work and was still writing and if anyone might have made a TV series or movie out of some of his work. I'd have loved to see the "Colsec" become a serialised show ala "Doctor Who" I just feel it had that kind of potential as it wasn't really flashy enough to be a Big Screen event movie.
I’ll be honest and admit I’ve never heard of him. What books was he most famous for?
I don't think he'd really became famous either during his life time or afterwards, more maybe well known in general at the time he was alive.

He was however quiet prolific and seemed to be able to write quite quickly knocking out a series based on one set of characters before moving onto a different series. The ones I have read have all been relatively short books though, but his main interest seems to have been getting young boys to red who might not have read before, so that might explain their shortness.

His wikipedia page is rather well detailed though. Douglas Hill - Wikipedia

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