Amazing Adult Fantasy and Where You Can Read It and More


mortal ally
Dec 28, 2019
From 1961-1962, Stan Lee & Co. made a Twilight Zone-esque comic book anthology of speculative fiction stories called Amazing Adult Fantasy. Oddly enough, most fell in the range of sci-fi, though there were fantasy pieces. A lot of the main stories contained aliens and monsters, and had interesting twist endings. You can find info on the stories here: Amazing Adult Fantasy Vol 1

They can be read at In fact, you can find almost anything there.
I used to have a copy of #13. It had some nice art by Ditko (including that eerie cover).

I read a few of those.
It's funny that Peter Parker turns up a few issues earlier as a different character.

Ditko's Eerie work is really good.
If you can find DEEP RUBY-that's a pretty good one.
He uses ink washes which look really good in black and white.

I wrote him a letter and he wrote back (2015 I think) and I think it was because I mentioned that I was reading his non-Spider-man work.
this is an old thread so i'll use it to beat my drum for Heavy Metal magazine (Metal Hurlant in Europe) in the late 70's - early 80's. i do not know if it is still in publication. someone told me it degenerated into a "robots and boobs" show, but back when it was new, there was nothing like it. it expanded concepts of sci-fi and fantasy way past anything i had seen or could imagine.

i see Moebius mentioned often, he was one of the regular artists. there was also an artist named "Druillet" that i liked a lot, but i don't remember other names.
this is an old thread so i'll use it to beat my drum for Heavy Metal magazine (Metal Hurlant in Europe) in the late 70's - early 80's. i do not know if it is still in publication. someone told me it degenerated into a "robots and boobs" show, but back when it was new, there was nothing like it. it expanded concepts of sci-fi and fantasy way past anything i had seen or could imagine.

i see Moebius mentioned often, he was one of the regular artists. there was also an artist named "Druillet" that i liked a lot, but i don't remember other names.

Back in the 60's and 70s the ws also the Warren magazine Group. Eerie and Creepy

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