What if Phillip K Dick Had Not Died in 1982?


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
Imagine him alive and in the age of the Internet and continuing to write and where he would gone as a writer. What do you think might he have he have become in the age of the Internet? :)
I think he'd have found it terrifying, and this would have exacerbated his inner chaos, resulting in works of increasing contrasts of reality/unreality with messianic overtones.
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I think he'd have found it terrifying, and this would have exacerbated his inner chaos, resulting in works of increasing contrasts of reality/unreality with messianic overtones.

And I would have loved to have read those books and stories. :cool:

I bet he would been fascinated by the films like , The Matrix .:cool:
I bet he would been fascinated by the films like , The Matrix .
I wonder if he saw World on a Wire. (Welt Am Dracht). Though maybe not as it was German TV and things were not so easy to access then.
I think Dick might have been asked to do a collaboration or two with the likes of Gibson, Sterling, Shirley, etc. Whether he would or not is another matter entirely. I think his own work would have become increasingly dark and paranoid.

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