One Thousand Stories...


Independent Author & Publisher
Oct 29, 2013
West Sussex, UK
Wouldn't want anyone to think I've been getting idle. :)

Wouldn't want anyone to think I've been getting idle. :)

Congratulations, that's quite an achievement. And that's for sharing; it gave me a boost. Just out of curiosity though: how many years does that represent?

One part of your blog post caught my eye: "an acknowledgement the universe still owes me nothing for my efforts." No, and it never will, but you kept forcing yourself to write, thus making you a tiny percentage better at every finished story.

I've been accused of preffering quantity too, and I also must say that it is just not true. Our craft just keeps getting better. It's pretty much like going to the gym: we're always lifting heavier or doing more reps. I'd turn to those people who doubted your art and say, "up yours!" They were not sitting with you while you were writing.

Also, how could they know if your stories are good or bad? Have they read all 1000 of them? :p
Wouldn't want anyone to think I've been getting idle. :)

Congratulations Rafellin, and Hello . :cool:
" many years does that represent?"
I started organising my writing with intent to make books on January 5th 2011. I had over 20 years of fragments and notes by then. (As I write this, I have 41 books published - some of the early editions are out of print - a role-playing system released, with six other books complete, 53 WIP, two RPG in progress and two boardgames in playtest.)
" kept forcing yourself to write..."
Writing has never been a problem for me. These days, I have to consciously stop writing.
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Thank you.

Hello again. I've been here a while: just don't have much of use to say.

Everyones different.

I spend most of my time chatting and recommending old fantasy , science fiction books and horror books :)
Wow, Raf. Just wow. Yeah, I write a bit myself, as you can tell from my riveting prose. :rolleyes:
