Anyone here write Human and Alien Romances?

I'm currently working on one
What about you guys? ☺️
No, I've never wrote that. My aliens so far are pure evil :p

I also never came upon a published story about that. I only critiqued unpublished stories. I was wondering though--maybe Chiang's Story of Your Life (that inspired the movie Arrival, 2016) is a romance of sorts? :unsure:
My wife shares my Kindle Unlimited account and so with my bent to SF and hers toward Romances, I keep getting alien/human romances recommended to me. I've not read any book where the alien/human romance was the major plot device, but the idea is a fairly common one.
Can't remember the title, but there was a fairly good romance webcomic where the male lead was a Gray. (As in alien, not Christian.) He made sure she was safe during her abductions.... such a gentlegray.

If I ever get as far as actually writing anything, there's a world brewing in the back of my head where humans live alongside multiple non-humanoid alien species. Not sure how romance would work between such dissimilar minds and bodies, but in an entire civilisation you'd bet there'd be plenty who were willing to try!
My wife shares my Kindle Unlimited account and so with my bent to SF and hers toward Romances, I keep getting alien/human romances recommended to me. I've not read any book where the alien/human romance was the major plot device, but the idea is a fairly common one.
Yeah alien/human romance does sound very much like indie!
Do fantasy humanoid races count?

If so, yes. Also incorporating the fact that that race can't have offspring with humans, and all the social/economic repercusions of that.

I bet there are many themes in common.

Not so much. I find the whole idea extremely unlikely. I imagine aliens to be ... well alien! But I do have some subplots where some humans have been star dwellers for thousands of years and there are romances between Earth humans and space humans. Barton Villa obviously!

Cheers, Greg.
