When I was nine I found all three LOTR books at the local library, checked them out, and read them in a week as a personal challenge. I don't remember if I skimmed at all--I know I was trying hard not to, since my sister was obviously going to accuse me of it. I read the Hobbit later, much slower, and I think I found it a little more childish in comparison. I then re-read parts of LOTR several times over the next couple of years, although never as a whole, and after that, nothing--I don't think I've read either of them much since.
Overall opinion--they're good. The worldbuilding is unparalleled, of course, but as a rule I do prefer more character-focused stories. Most of all, though, I believe The Lord of the Rings genuinely managed to be everything it was trying to be, and that's something always to be respected--even though a story will never be for everyone. The LOTR was done in an epic, legendary style, and not the more straightforward, everyday style that's closer to what I like to read (and write) now.
It was crafted excellently...but a well-crafted chair will never be good enough if what you're looking for is a well-crafted table.