A story wise the Tracksuit Mafia Boss is impressive, but you have to wonder about that dragon origin. Daddy told the little girl that they live in another world and if they come to ours, they get powerful. Also another interesting thing about her is that her origin is again in Asia and not in the Western world.
The sad thing, but also intriguing thing is to think that the lost her leg and her hearing at the same time due some war, making her as a very rare individual character seen on the small screen. But she's not a wimp. Not for taking down boxers, black belters and so on.
It is equally intriguing to see that Clint being Rogue during the blink years were a vigilante almost literally dipping into the dark side. It's just when you see him holding blade in his hands, while wearing the Ronin costume slashing and piercing opponents without a remorse, you definitely know that he was doing the same thing as DD and the Punisher.
I also admit that I was wrong in regards of the Ronin origin, blaming him on doing Fury's dirty work when I knew that Fury wasn't exactly a righteous defender like the Cpt America, because Fury had no problems on going to the dark side. After all he was a secretive leader of a black op intel group. An opponent to Hydra.
Yes Clint that's proper reflecting of your feelings. Nobody is going to come to rescue you from this hole. You have to do it or then you have to start trusting the young one. But he didn't, the only card he had in his sleeve was playing the truth and assuming that the girl was just a girl, in both cases. Clint, I would not want to be in your shoes.
The only thing that he lied about was the true identity, as if it mattered. He could have come out clean and explained that he went bonkers due to pain from the Blink event. He didn't, he escaped but not from the fight. Maybe retirement isn't an option for him because clearly he was enjoying far too much on making the mafia boys look like fools.
Boss lady, different matter and because he underestimated his opponents, more bruises including in his pride. The only way he could save his skin was on getting his hands on the bow. How the Hawkeye got his gear in the storeroom, I don't know, but after getting that weapons the game changed.
I loved the fight and the chase. Kate using trick arrows were brilliant and to be honest, a bow in a chase can be an effective, because you have to think about your shots, not just spray and pray in Hollywood style.
In the aftermath Kate tried to offer Clint a traditional Hawkeye costume, including H in his forehead, but he turned it down ... for marriatal reasons. Although I suspect if wife would have asked, it would have gone on with little bit of muttering on side. But he also revealed that he really has a huge problem with his image.
He claimed to be nothing, when the fact is whole Avengers thing put him on everyone's consciousness and he couldn't hide behind the Shield any more.
Happy New Year of 2020. They got really lucky that the lockdown had mostly emptied the streets allowing them to shoot pretty freely. But, what the hell is the story behind the Christmas Dog?
He is a character in the poster and they carry him in the narrative. But I do not approve the Pizza Dog name.
One question, am I barking the wrong tree on assuming that Clint is Ronin?