Doctor Who (39) 13:06 The Flux (part 6) The Vanquishers.


pixie druid
Staff member
May 4, 2005
I may live in Yorkshire but I'm a Scot
Sorry its late, only just got to see it.

Now I know its been muddled and crazy, I've liked this series, it was fun and at times didn't make sense but it is supposed to be a children's programme.

Looks like the regeneration won't be till New Year.
I'm more annoyed about the Lupari's extinction but we know from the preview that the Dalek's return why not the Lupari? It's Dr Who, the writers regularly contradict themselves.
Time is imprisoned and can take any form. Maybe the doctor can as well, they are the timeless child after all.
Hey, Who needs a TARDIS.

NO! Don't read that wrong. I actually mean WHO does need a TARDIS. Otherwise the WHOle premise of the story-line is defunct.

It seems we now have inter dimensional time traveling multi-beasties where anyone and his K9 can be wherever they want at whatever time with WHOever they fancy.

Flux me that was bad.

The worst six episodes I've ever seen of any incarnation (which apparently has just been kicked into touch at the whim of WHOdom).

One bad, stupid, non-nonsensical, badly thought out, poorly put together, load of drivel in a season can be forgiven.

Six at once.


Bring back "Space Patrol" at least that was believable.
It wasn't a total loss, It was fun seeing the The Sontarans, Daleks and the Cybermen together in one episode. And It was fun seeing their fleets all get taken out by the flux.
I'm sad to say that Flux just confirmed Chibnall's weakness as a writer, for me. He has tonnes of brilliant, imaginative ideas, and has no idea what to do with them.

In a way he reminds me of Wonder Woman 1984 - determined to do something to rock the status quo, but at the same time afraid to.
Yes. A whole potentially interesting species with lots of scope for returning in future series, introduced and wiped out in six episodes :(

Them Interesting ? Alien Dogs? Bad and cheesy. Ditching them was actual a good story decision.
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I'm sad to say that Flux just confirmed Chibnall's weakness as a writer, for me. He has tonnes of brilliant, imaginative ideas, and has no idea what to do with them.

In a way he reminds me of Wonder Woman 1984 - determined to do something to rock the status quo, but at the same time afraid to.

He failed on a grand scale.
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That was simply terrible. Just awful.

And I think we should have a pact that, unlike previous Doctors (often) being referred to by the actor's name, this Doctor is henceforth called the "Chibnall Doctor".
I gave up watching Dr Who a few years back but caught some of this series.
To be blunt, I see no reason whatsoever to start watching again.

I’m left with the distinct impression that the writers are simply throwing crap at a wall in the hope that, if they throw enough, some of it will stick.
I gave up watching Dr Who a few years back but caught some of this series.
To be blunt, I see no reason whatsoever to start watching again.

I’m left with the distinct impression that the writers are simply throwing crap at a wall in the hope that, if they throw enough, some of it will stick.

I think that's a bit harsh on the wall. I mean what's it supposed to do other than stand there and take it.

It's not as though it can retaliate. like it's friend the fan.

However, in this case, the wall has nothing to worry about because the content of this crap is so thin it's more like window cleaner.

Luckily, or so we are told, the producers of this Brownian motion concoction are to be flushed.

The sad part is that, the XXY no longer continue to over-record or wipe tapes of Dr WhereAreWe.

Just think of all the good stuff that has been lost, only for them to preserve the contents of this ceptic tank.
I assume you mean the 1962 UK programme (apparently called Planet Patrol in the US), the one with my favourite spaceship, the Galasphere.

Well now, there's a memory can of worms for me to resolve.

Yes you are right. I was refering to the 1962 version of puppet episodes.

However, although I most certainly would have watched those episodes, I thought it was much earlier than 1962. I thought it was more of a

"Watch with Mother" era in the late 50's.

Looking at some the Planet patrol episodes in the US, they do look familiar. I wounder if they were ever shown in the childrens saturday morning film shows along with "Hop along Cassidy" and "Larel and Hardy" and of course the "Lone Ranger" (dun dil la da dah dil la dah) stuff.

In any case, looking at Planet patrol, which were apparently filmed live, They have more creative input than any of the recent offerings of the XXY.

Of course the US version don't come anywhere near to the standard of the UK puppet version of which you speak.

BUT*, I would watch both in preference to the series this thread is about. What's more, it would provide XXY with a reminder of how good things used to be before big budgets were the name of the game. Just imagine the ammount they could shave off the licence fees if they showed them instead.

* I'm seriously thinking of buying the box set for myself for Xmas
The BBC, were [in]famous for reusing video tapes and wiping the only copies of "old" shows.
I've watched all the series [and this episode twice] and I can't help thinking there is a good story in there.
But incessant need to make everything look life and death hectic and have people continually running around left me unengaged.
Now we have just the three "specials" to go.

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