Okay - we weren't discussing children's libraries, where I doubt they'd be a lot of interest in Mein Kampf anyway, we are talking about libraries. But honestly, how many children's books promote hate and selfishness? Is this a genuine problem, or a hypothetical?
Firstly, my
current workplace is a children’s library; but
any library where I work at, I would expect the collection to be of benefit to the community, not a detriment. My first duty as a librarian is to the truth; to spread wisdom to the community, and that means that if somebody writes a book supporting lies and vice, I am not remotely obligated to stock that book in my collection, just because of free speech. They have the right to say it; they do not have the right to demand I give them a platform.
Second, a short list of
some books which teach terrible lessons:
Babar the Elephant: Native cultures need to be changed to be more like civilised cultures.
The Clique: Being a bully is great and has no downsides whatsoever.
The Courtship of Princess Leia: Abducting someone you claim to love is romantic, not horrifying.
Feminist Fairy Tales: Men are just completely, totally awful, and women need to be in charge of everything—men should have no rights whatsoever. Also, we need to revert to a more primitive lifestyle, because something something men are awful.
Growing Around: It’s okay to be a complete and utter brat and treat people like dirt; so long as you give a half-hearted apology, you don’t even need to change your behaviour.
The Mists of Avalon: Pedophilia is A-OK! So is incest! Everything would be better if we just grubbed in the dirt, ate roots, and ceremonially murdered people just because our master race says so.
Ship It: Your favourite show josses your headcanon? Throw a temper tantrum and cause a scene, that’ll get them to bow down to you!
The Sword of Truth: Objectivism is awesome! Caring about others just hurts them, really.
Twilight: Humans suck, and vampires are right to kill them, because they’re physically better. Stalking is romantic, not creepy.
The Young Investigator’s Guide to Ancient Aliens: Historians and scientists are lying to you because they’re evil. The government is conspiring against you, and the only people you can trust are the people who disagree with them.
The Jesuits have a saying: “Give me the child, and I will give you the man.” It would be the height of irresponsibility to not consider carefully what lessons are being taught to the children, and what sort of person we want them to grow into.