Raised by Wolves - 02:05 - King


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
I can't do the @ctg breakdown with screenshots but this was a solid episode, taking the story forward, and going deeper into the weirdness.

Marcus, without his powers, is questioned on his divinity, and starts to lose followers. It isn't helped when Vrille, the hideously deformed android, starts running amok wreaking her revenge. She even kills [her mother] Decima by slicing her face off to help her “understand what it was like".

The partly destroyed temple was built above one of those vertical tunnels, and there was a 'flying alien sucker snake' very briefly shown, very quickly, in that tunnel, which probably explains that pile of bones. Why did the nanobots from Romulus’ tooth relic cause the desiccated alien to revive and then "devolve" into a sea creature alien? I said last week that maybe life on the planet was on a 20-year cycle, but maybe it was just dormant, and woken up by the arrival of humans after centuries?

Father's new pet project seemed to come alive last week, appearing outside as "Sol", but this week it stood still and said nothing. It did scan Tempest and see her child.

Meanwhile, Sue was determined not to give up on curing Paul, now covered in a cocoon of scales, and slowly turning into the next baby 'flying alien sucker snake' . After nothing worked, she prayed to "Sol" that she would do "anything", and then she saw visions of medical leeches type 5. Amazingly, she knew exactly where to find these indigenous creatures, attached to the body of the sea creatures who burn with their touch. A quick trip to the sea with Campion, and a music ball to attract one onto the rocks, a smoke bomb to knock it out, and she had a jar full of the leeches. And it worked immediately, no lasting damage, no scars or medical complications; Paul simply felt a little thirsty.

I'm a little confused about who believes what now. Campion, Holly and Sue, along with several other former atheists, all now believe in "Sol" now. While most former Mythraics do not. Paul's followers are either dead or don't believe. I'm sure Cleaver doesn't believe, as long as he gets his revenge.

Will Mother and Father reconcile their android marital problems? (“I feel we’re becoming too human to be the parents our children deserve.”)

What will Sue have to do now that she promised to do "anything"?

Will we see more of Father's tool shed Android side project?
Thank you Dave. I've been researching and writing about this current conflict elsewhere. So apologies. I've started but couldn't get myself to press play yet.
Marcus, without his powers, is questioned on his divinity, and starts to lose followers
It's strange that Sol plays games with him, but at the same time it's weirder that the people are still so brainwashed that they gling on anything that resembles mythical power, like the medallion. So, instead of blind fate, it's more like a treasure hunt and in his case, it's as if he believes it's an item thing. Which itself is intriguing because if you think Foundation, they didn't cling on objects. Faith was faith except for the Soulless Man.


Amazing. Not only the fuel blood rebuild the android, it also created clothes and a helmet. It puzzled me that Father for being a brilliant engineer, thought that words alone would bring the android to give some sort of response.

Weirder thing is that the android seemed to like jokes. How? How could it comprehend modern English? Maybe even weirder thing is that Mother thought that Father was breaking down, because of his garden shed project. Her responses weren't exactly android like, but more like mocking. It's almost as if she's becoming a human.

Will Mother and Father reconcile their android marital problems? (“I feel we’re becoming too human to be the parents our children deserve.”)

I feel there is going to be a divorce or they're going to clash with something that Mother started and Father cannot take any of her bullsh**.

The partly destroyed temple was built above one of those vertical tunnels, and there was a 'flying alien sucker snake' very briefly shown, very quickly, in that tunnel, which probably explains that pile of bones. Why did the nanobots from Romulus’ tooth relic cause the desiccated alien to revive and then "devolve" into a sea creature alien? I said last week that maybe life on the planet was on a 20-year cycle, but maybe it was just dormant, and woken up by the arrival of humans after centuries?

The whole place feels weird. They have acid seas and yet, somehow the sacrificial chair words as intended. But the thing is I felt that the whole planet is some sort of laboratory or an experiment. I mean somehow Sol knows everything, including a remedy for Paul's condition

How is it that it can be so omnipotent, all knowing, when the humans and their poison were manufactured elsewhere? Not that freaky things ended there as Marcus resurrected one of the original creatures ... with a teeth.


You look closely and you can see he's wearing clothes. He even had one of the mass data storages, before he transformed to a skitter, which again harps back to Prometheus and the Engineers. You could think that they were at the top of their game when the end arrived and they all degenerated. Maybe that means that whatever the aliens did, cocked up and our people are doomed.

Paul asked, "What's the difference between God and Alien?"

One is immortal and the other isn't. But Sol or the Alien God feels like it was abandoned and then found again when Mother and Father crashed on the planet.
I agree that this seemed like a "solid" episode, but only in the sense that It was packed full, not that the packing elements were related.
In the last episode, the series seemed to be moving into the empirical world. This time around, the mystical element came roaring back to take control.
Magic medallions? OK. Magic teeth? Good grief!
Paul asked, "What's the difference between God and Alien?"
Time to pick a side, already. I vote "alien".
Will Mother and Father reconcile their android marital problems?

I feel there is going to be a divorce or they're going to clash with something that Mother started and Father cannot take any of her bullsh**.
Mother's sonic eyes would give her a potentially lethal edge in divorce proceedings. Father can be expected to seek joint custody of their human children, but I am sure that he would give Mother full, unconditional custody of No. 7.

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