Have You Ever Read Any Bangsian Fantasy?


mortal ally
Dec 28, 2019

Bangsian fantasy is fantasy that takes place all or mostly in the afterlife.

Have you ever read any novels in this genre? I read part of Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin when I was in high school. I don't recall my reason for not finishing it. I would probably most interested in one like that, which took place in a wholly unique afterlife.
I've critiqued two or three stories like this online when they were in their first drafts, but I've never heard of the term. I believe that the authors also never heard about it. Even the wikipedia page is pretty short. But it gave me something to think about.
To Your Scattered Bodies Go by Philip K Dick. Arguably SF not fantasy. It won a Hugo I think.

There is a very funny chapter at the end of A History of the World in 10 and a Half Chapters by Julian Barnes, set in Heaven.
I suppose All Hallows' Eve, by Charles Williams, (which I have read and did not like as well as any of his other books I have read) would qualify.
Apart from the seminal What Dreams May Come by Richard Matheson, well worth a read, nothing else.

I did plot out a storyline some time back for an tale set in purgatory and drafted out the first four chapters. I still have it somewhere on a backup DVD.
To Your Scattered Bodies Go by Philip K Dick. Arguably SF not fantasy. It won a Hugo I think.

There is a very funny chapter at the end of A History of the World in 10 and a Half Chapters by Julian Barnes, set in Heaven.
Philip José Farmer wrote the Riverworld series.
I don't think I've /read/ any, but I was trying to write a novel set in the afterlife as a teenager.... Didn't get very far. The hero was a recently deceased Martian centaur. Sadly he didn't have much of a personality. Also, remembering it now, I think bits of it were blatantly ripped off from "The Sandman" comics.

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