"Hawk Among the Sparrows by Dean Mclaughlin", originally serialized in ANALOG magazine (ca 1976), is a story about modern Air Force fighter that for some reason finds itself back in England ca WWI. He manages to get fuel for his jet (parafin / kerosene) and impress folks with its performance. They're taken aback by how much fuel a short hop burned.
Pilot does take out a 'Red Baron' type attack-- not with high-tech weaponry, but by flying back and forth through the fleet at high speed and letting the jet wash take care of them. That was the only battle he fought in-- zipping back and forth between the 1917-era planes, his intakes swallowed something and he had to bail out as his plane crashed.
The end of the serialization leaves him alive with future knowledge...
Unfortunately, he was captain of an advanced fighter, not a starship.