Writing Workshops & Mentors


New Member
Mar 28, 2022
Hello to you.
I have searched for workshops online, but I can't find them. I am new to writing and am looking for a mentor to help me produce good quality work.
Hello and Welcome to the Chrons!

Well, we have a Workshop section here on Chrons where people set exercises and ideas for each other, so have a look through some recent threads to see if they appeal Workshop They don't tend to receive feedback, though, if that's what you're looking for.

We also run Writing Challenges -- one which happens monthly requiring a story in no more than 75 words based on a set theme and genre, and a quarterly one requiring a story of no more than 300 words based on an image. You've arrived at the right time as we have one of each starting on 1 April so have a look through recent Challenges to see the kind of work that is produced and whether you might like to join in. Writing Challenges (It's a bit confusing as there are always three threads for each Challenge -- the main one where the stories are posted, a Discussion thread where we chat about the entries and/or ray guns and pitchforks, and a poll thread for voting at the end of the Challenge.) The stories get some implied feedback by means of votes and mentions at voting time, but there's also an Improving thread for each kind of story, and members can put their work there after voting has finished to get specific critiques.

We also have a Critiques section open for members with at least 30 counted posts. Critiques To be honest, I'd advise you not to use that even once you qualify on post count, not until you have written your first complete draft, as it can be upsetting to say the least to be on the receiving end of a critique and it's all too possible to be completely discouraged and give up. But do have a look through the threads and see the kinds of comments that are made.

We also have The Toolbox which gives a lot of advice about writing which may be of interest The Toolbox -- The Important Bits and a thread by Teresa which is very informative 17 Important Things I've Learned About Writing and Publishing

As to mentors, everyone here is happy to give advice and suggestions, but if might be worth trying to find a Writing Group where you can meet -- if only online -- and discuss work with others. We also have a least one member who offers professional writing mentor services if you wanted to go down that one-to-one paying route.

One word of caution, though -- if you're just starting out, don't expect your work to be of great quality from the get-go. I always use the analogy of learning to drive. We've all been driven, we've seen it done, and it looks easy. Then you get in the driving seat... You will do the literary equivalent of stalling the car, clipping the kerb, braking too hard, braking too late, revving the engine and all the rest of it and no matter how good your instructor/mentor, you won't be test-ready until you've got a lot of practice under your belt. So rather than give yourself an artificial deadline of 6 months and a requirement that it has to be eg publishable at the end of that time, just write and learn and enjoy the process, and continue to write and learn, and write and learn, and carry on doing that, whatever the result and however long it takes.
Hello to you.
I have searched for workshops online, but I can't find them. I am new to writing and am looking for a mentor to help me produce good quality work.
You might look at the Brandon Sanderson lectures. These are from a college level writing course and I felt I learned a lot from the time spent viewing them. Note: There is no need to view more than one years worth; it is a college course, so the lecture content largely repeats year to year. Also, the lectures are quite sorted in order; just mouse over the title of each one to see the sequence. Best of luck on your writing.

Welcome! One thing I have done that helped me was to go to Creative Writing Courses and Ideas: An Online Resource for Writers It's all paid lessons with little feedback but at $20-$30 a course and self-paced email lessons, it's not too bad a few times a year. If nothing else, it well give you another view and info. I did the fiction writing and mystery courses. Worth the time., although free is better and Chronicles and y-tube fill that.

I would also keep copies of books by your favorite authors on hand too; you can use it as a writing reference.

Like The Judge said, go to the writing forms and give it all a try.

Outside of that, maybe a Book Coach when you are ready. (They do cost though, but worth it I'm told)

Good luck!
Hello to you.
I have searched for workshops online, but I can't find them. I am new to writing and am looking for a mentor to help me produce good quality work.
This strikes me odd. I just now typed "writing workshops" into Google and got over two *billion* hits. The very first one is called "writingworkshops.com".

How is it you have looked and yet not have found?
To follow up on Christine’s post, it may be worthwhile to peruse the Writer Beware blog in order to understand the wide range of predatory writer scams that are out there:

Other than that, I would suggest participating in the challenges on this site and taking advantage of the feedback threads:

This should help - in particular, the recommended books on how to write and the lists of groups and courses:

Re mentorship (I'm a writing mentor and coach, so familiar with that world) try to get recommendations from someone who they've worked for before. If you have a local national writing centre or organisation nearby they might have a list of mentors you can approach.

Mentoring is not the same as critiquing, or editing, or a writing group. It's a process where you get targeted, one to one support, which puts the focus on your solutions to achieving your goal. When done well, it's very powerful - but there are a lot of charlatans out there, and those without experience or knowledge of the process, so take your time finding the right match.
I would be cautious about paying for someone's 'expertise' in this field. The world is full of people who consider themselves experts and will ask for money in exchange for their time. Rarely is it worth it.
Yea, after doing some looking up on Book Coaches...Most are like what everyone here is saying. Buyer Beware!

The only few that I saw that have some credibility to them delt with only one publishing company and only to help you write in the style that that company is looking for, with no guarantees at all...So much for that advise!

Still, Chronicles has a LOT going for it and the Writing Forums are of great help for sure.
Overall, one can get lost for hours in all of the forums here and get some good help and ideas too.

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