I confess I am a total pantser. Plotting just won't work for me . I think that structure is actually intrinsic to the story telling process. It will happen naturally as the story evolves. I know others hold an opposite view, writing tutors are probably the worst for this.
Anyway I thought I would look up "famous pantsers" and see what company I was in, if any?
Pleasant surprise...
Anyway I thought I would look up "famous pantsers" and see what company I was in, if any?
Pleasant surprise...
Which Authors Are Pantsers? (19 Examples) - Writing Beginner
Which authors are pantsers? Many well-known authors are pantsers. We’ll cover lots of examples in this article—19, in fact! The list below is as full and complete as possible. I’ll simply list the author’s name and identify one or two of their most known books, but these writers wrote many more...